You'll appreciate how it frees you up to concentrate on cool applications and interfaces rather than complicated HTTP request/ response code. 应该感激Ajax使您能够专心编写漂亮的应用程序和界面,而不用担心复杂的HTTP请求/响应代码。
First, we check the request ID code; if it does not match the request code we were given earlier, the event must be a response to another plug-in's request, and so we ignore it. 首先,检查请求ID码;如果与先前提供的请求代码不匹配,那么事件必然响应的是另一个插件的请求,因此要忽略它。
Of particular interest here is when the request returns a valid response ( the200 code). 这里特别要注意的是当请求对象返回有效响应时(200代码)。
Or, the SOAP stack itself could issue the GetMessage request from its infrastructural code. 或者,SOAP堆栈可以自己通过其基础代码发出GetMessage请求。
Stateless session beans are used for business-logic tasks that service a single request from client code. 无状态会话bean用于那些为单一客户机请求提供服务的业务逻辑任务。
If the file doesn't exist or there is an explicit request to refresh it, the code gets the list of details for all the AMIs at Amazon. 如果该文件不存在或者有明确请求要求刷新文件,则代码获取存储在Amazon上的所有AMI的详细列表。
The secret key is used to encrypt portions of the request so Amazon can ensure that code that you wrote that is sending them requests. 密钥用来加密请求的某些部分,以使Amazon能够确保是您编写的代码在向他们发送请求。
The server will typically execute the request fulfillment code on behalf of the client. 服务器通常代表客户机执行请求实施代码。
The web server takes advantage of the server's many cores to allow it to handle many simultaneous requests from the user, but each such request can often be handled by single-threaded code. web服务器利用服务器的多个内核来同时处理来自用户的多个请求,但是每个这样的请求通常都由单线程代码处理。
Its output will be merged into an test plan XML document that is retrieved from the get testplan request by the ModifyPlan custom code to generate a modified test plan. 它的输出会合并为测试规划XML文件,它通过ModifyPlan通用代码中的gettestplan请求获得,以生成一项更改的测试规划。
The CXF client code incorrectly generates a signature when sending the getBook request message, and the server code then fails in processing the request message. 在发送getBook请求消息时,CXF客户端代码不能正确生成一个签名,而服务器端代码也在处理请求消息时失败。
It builds the URI, sets the request headers, and invokes the request in one line of code. 它构建URI,设置请求头,并在一行代码中调用请求。
Routing incoming client requests to appropriate request handler code based on the Navigator class. 根据Navigator类将进入的客户机请求路由到合适的请求处理程序代码。
Decoupling the Browser Request Handler and Resource Request Handler from the business logic layer helps facilitate code reuse, and leads to a flexible and extensible architecture. 从业务逻辑层中解耦BrowserRequestHandler和ResourceRequestHandler有助于促进代码重用,并能实现灵活和可扩展的架构。
There are likely to be categories of service that require the same types of request handling so ideally, you want to impose request handling based on policies rather than code it into each request. 许多服务类别很可能需要相同类型的请求处理,因此理想情况下,您需要根据策略执行服务处理,而不是将其编码到每个请求中。
Project Zero does little more than receive the request and begin invoking the necessary Java code to facilitate the needed operation. ProjectZero仅能接收请求和调用必要的Java代码来促进所需的操作。
When the AIX code-set conversion function gets a request with non-AIX code set names, the alias mapping function attempts to map suitable AIX code set names for the request. 当AIX编码集转换函数收到包含非AIX编码集名称的请求时,别名映射函数尝试为请求映射适当的AIX编码集名称。
For example, a permission request might not be necessary if the code simply computes a result based on inputs passed to it, without using any resources. 例如,如果代码只根据向它传递的输入来计算结果而不使用任何资源,则可能不必请求权限。
How do I request a Multi-purpose code signing certificates? 我如何申请多用途程式码签章凭证?
Specifies a request for unmanaged code permission. 指定请求非托管代码权限。
Request code: This code contains information about target computer, number of channels and type of product requested. 要求码:这码包含了目标电脑的软硬体资讯,以及需要安装多少产品的要求资讯。
Request repeat system with error detection code 有误差检测码的请求重发方式
If there is no request, the code is granted the maximum that security policy allows. 如果没有请求,将给代码授予安全策略允许的最大权限。
Do not use a permission request to obtain permissions your code might need, but be prepared to handle security exceptions if permissions are not granted. 不要使用权限请求来获取您的代码可能需要的权限,但一定要准备处理在未授予权限时发生的安全异常。
As a general rule, you should always configure your ClickOnce application to request only the code access security permissions that it actually needs. 作为一般规则,clickonce应用程序应始终配置为只要求实际需要的代码访问安全权限。
With the development of multimedia technologies, the request for the speech code is more and more high, not only the low code rate, the low time delay, but also the very high quality of the synthesis pronunciation. 多媒体技术的不断发展,对语音编码提出的要求越来越高,不仅要求低速率、低延时,而且要求很高的合成语音质量。
When we carry through the theoretic analysis, according to the request of CDMA communication system for spreading code, we analyze the characteristics of chaotic spreading sequence. 在进行理论分析时,根据码分多址通信系统对扩频码的要求,分析了混沌数字扩频序列的特性。
Under the earthquake, wind function, the skyscraper should reduce the swing of the structure effectively, respond to the request of the code. 在地震、风的作用下,高层建筑结构的摆动较大,应采取措施有效减小摆动,满足规范规定的要求。
The base protocol tools using lightweight directory access protocol ( LDAP) interface must be used, and subset of the DIAMETER NASREQ ( network access server request) application command code and AVP must be used for extensible authentication protocol ( EAP) transport while implementation. 这个基本协议工具使用低权目录访问协议(LDAP)而且必须使用接口,DIAMETER网络访问服务器请求(NASREQ)应用命令码的一个子集和AVP以在运行中实现扩展验证协议(EAP)传输。
In the system application and implementation part, online cast modes in the merchant payment request transactions and order inquiries trading program code described. 在系统实现和应用部分,对山东格力网上投款系统中的商户支付请求交易和订单查询交易程序实现代码进行了描述。